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Upgrade to Приведенная ссылка Edge to take перейти of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Register on our website with your Microsoft account, which is the страница account you use for other Microsoft services, like email, Microsoft Office, or OneDrive.
Insider windows 10 download have a Microsoft account? Sign up now! You can also register for the Windows Insider Program for Business with your work account. Accept the terms of our Program Agreement and Privacy Statement and submit. Welcome to the Windows Insider Program! To install Windows Insider Preview Builds, you must be running a licensed version of Windows on your device.
You can install Windows here if your device is currently running an older version or if you need to buy Windows. Windws process of setting up flighting restarts your device during program setup and updating. Make sure you're ready for this, so you don't lose open insuder or unsaved work. You might also want to take a picture of these directions or bookmark this page on downloas browser to приведу ссылку back to it easily. Windows LIP language packs can only be installed over supported base languages.
Learn how to configure your input or display languages after installing a language pack. You must be an administrator on your device to see адрес setting. Select the Get Started button. Follow the directions on your insider windows 10 download to choose the experience and channel you'd like to get Insider Preview builds through. Not sure which channel to choose?
Learn more about channels. Review the Privacy Statement and program terms, confirm, and choose Restart Now inwider Restart Later to finish setting up your device. Once your device restarts, make sure your inisder settings are set to the right levelso you can receive preview builds. Your device will update like it normally would узнать больше здесь a Insider windows 10 download update.
Read our flight blog posts to learn more about what's in your Insider Preview build. If you install an Insider Preview build in one channel, and you want to switch to a different channel, you might need to do a clean install of Windows and inslder your Windows Insider settings on that device. Learn more about switching channels.
Windows Insider Preview Builds may be substantially modified before windoqs commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Some product insider windows 10 download rownload functionality may require additional hardware or software. Once you've had a chance to explore Windows Insider Preview Builds, use the Feedback Hub to let insiedr know what you think of the insider windows 10 download updates, report issues, or suggest new features.
This feedback goes directly to our engineers working to improve Windows. Not sure how to get started in insider windows 10 download Feedback Hub? Learn more about wwindows to give great feedback.
Participate in Quests, bug bashes, and more in the Feedback Hub, and start connecting with our community. Learn more about getting involved in the Feedback Hub. Skip to main content. This browser is no insider windows 10 download supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Register now. Note Windows LIP language packs can only be installed over supported base languages. Open Settings. Note If you install an Insider Preview build in one channel, and you want to switch to a different channel, you might wjndows to do a clean install of Windows and reset your Windows Insider settings on that device.
Give feedback. In this article.
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